Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship is a warm time of fellowship each Sunday morning as we study the Bible, pray together, and share life together in small groups of 10-12 people. The majority of our congregation participates and we keep the same groups for one year at a time. We are even able to offer an online class for homebound members. Our recent books studies have been Genesis, Mark, Ephesians, 1 Peter, and Psalms.

Online Sunday School

Discussion Leaders: Bill and Sue Studt

Join in-person or online from wherever you are this summer! Our Bible Study is called “Impacting Culture” and will help us think about the ways to reach the surrounding community. The study presents questions such as: How is the church called to be different from the local social club? How do you immerse yourself in the culture, but not be negatively affected by it? And more.

Join us online Sunday morning from 9:15 – 10:15am

Men’s Ministry

We have a monthly men’s breakfast, a weekly men’s Bible Study, an annual retreat in the mountains, and various service opportunities throughout the year. Our goal is to support the men of IVFF as we seek to follow the Lord in every aspect of our lives.

Women’s Ministry

We have a Thursday morning Bible Study, and annual retreat, and several “Women In Mission” service events and activities throughout the year to minister to others and support women within IVFF. Women in Mission encourages women to be personally reconciled and committed to Jesus Christ and seeks to call forth and utilize the variety of gifts given to women by the Holy Spirit.

Young Adult Ministry

We have a young adult Bible study twice a month, an annual beach retreat, as well as other fun activities throughout the year.  This past year we studied the Sermon on the Mount with What If Jesus Was Serious by Skye Jethani. 


An Indian Valley Faith Fellowship Ministry for Active Adults 50ish and Beyond

PrimeTimers provides a variety of social events and service opportunities for active adults, 50ish and beyond, for the purpose of growing relationships with one another and with our Lord, Jesus Christ. In addition, PrimeTimers supports local and global missions to further spread the gospel among those who desperately need Christ.

Come Join Us! It’s never too late to make a difference.

Deacon Ministry

Our Deacon Ministry is a servant ministry. We are devoted to our mission of extending the reach of our Pastors caring for our Congregation during times of crisis and life transitions. We are in contact with our members to discern if they are in need of our help and we are also advised by our Pastors and Elders of those in need. We are responsive to any needs identified and on a regular basis we call, visit, send cards, deliver food, encourage and pray for and with those who are in need. We are genuinely concerned about our Members and hold all interactions confidential within the Deacon group. Most importantly we pray as intercessors. If your family has a need for our contact, prayers, encouragement and support, please contact us.

Cancer Support Prayer Group

The Cancer Support Prayer Group is a group of individuals who meet together the third Tuesday of the month to pray for and with each other, share experiences and laughter and discuss a topic of interest/concern. If you are facing the storm of cancer as one diagnosed with cancer, or a cancer survivor, or are concerned for someone in your life who has cancer, please join us.


We support five missionary families who came out of IVFF and several other local and regional ministry organizations.

Adult Ministries Spotlights

2024 Men’s retreat

The 2024 Men's retreat is in the books!  We had a great time at the Loft - fellowship, fun, food and, of course, feeding on the Word.    

Summer Retreat Sunday 2023

What a beautiful day to do church outside at Camp Men-o-lan!  After the service, we ate and played games...followed by baptisms and pool time!